Countdown to the FREE

5 Day Sugar Detox Challenge is ON!

Don't miss out - the countdown is on! Reserve your spot now before time runs out. Join us for a quick and easy end of summer reset! Tick-tock, secure your place today! September 2nd-6th

Join the Challenge today! 


Creating The Body You Want In 3 Steps

Step 1: Nutrition

We all know fruits and veggies are good for us.

What we all don't know is there are many hidden inflammatory ingredients in our everyday foods.

Inflammation is the root cause of all chronic disease. Including weight loss resistance and metabolic syndrome.

Learn how to eat to improve gut health, stimulate metabolism and your hormonal health.

I teach my clients what foods they should be eating to stimulate their unique metabolism. And I show them how to improve their gut health and regulate their hormones naturally.

When you discover how to regulate your hormones naturally and start stimulating your metabolism to work for you weight loss becomes easier.

Step 2: Movement

Living an active life is more than going to the gym 5 days a week.

As we age, out fitness needs change because our hormonal needs are changing. What we did in our twenties is not what our 35+ bodies need to burn fat and lose weight.

I teach my clients how to lose weight while preventing muscle loss with food and activity geared specifically towards their unique needs.

Every women is unique, what works for one won't necessarily work for another.

When you discover the best exercises for your hormonal needs, working out is no longer a chore.

Step 3: Mindset

Without the right mindset to create sustainable life changes, you will continue on the hamster wheel of yo-yo dieting.

Mindset is essential to developing new lifestyle habits.

Mindset is what keeps you moving forward and prevents you from falling victim to old habits of ease & convenience.

I teach my clients how to identify patterns they have created in their life that have halted their weight loss and disrupt their health goals for years.

I help my clients to create new lifestyle patterns that will support their health goals continuously.

When you discover the patterns that held you back, creating sustainable healthy lifestyle habits becomes

Hi, I'm Abbey.

At 43, I realized something had to give. I was eating less and moving more but I continued to gain weight. What was I doing wrong?

There had to be a way to improve my health and self-confidence without making drastic, expensive changes to my diet and life.

I discovered how to eat for my unique hormones and metabolic health. I didn't need to buy supplements, calories restrict or spend hours in the gym.

I lost weight, kept it off and finally felt like me. I was no longer constantly watching what I ate. I stopped giving food the power to control my mood, self-worth and my life.

I began this journey to lose weight. I have gained much more. I have discovered myself in the process and my passion.

I started A2 Health and Wellness to share the POWERFUL impact an anti-inflammatory lifestyle has on total health.

I wanted to help other busy moms and women like me, who've struggled with weight loss resistance, poor self-esteem and excessive people pleasing behavior.

There is a POWERFUL connection between the foods we eat and how we feel and think.

I want every woman to feel amazing in her body. Regardless of the number on the scale, to feel energetic, joyful and glowing with vitality.

I want to show women how to nourish their mind, body and soul naturally with food and movement.

I want every women to feel confident regardless of what they are wearing.

- Abbey

  • Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach
  • Registered Nurse
  • B.S Psychology
  • Mom of four AMAZING kiddos
  • Daughter, friend and solo entrepreneur.

Glenda's Post Transformation Testimonial

She was binge eating in response to stress, confused and overwhelmed with all the "fad diets" out there, and taking 2 blood pressure medications everyday.

Glenda's arthritis was keeping her from living the life she wanted. She was fatigued, overwhelmed and ready to give up.

In 12 weeks, she was able to STOP 2 blood pressure medications, dropped 12 lbs and trimmed 10 inches from her body and managed her self-sabotaging behaviors.

Glenda is truly a remarkable Lady and it was my pleasure working with her!

Congrats Glenda!!

Integrative Health and Nutrition Coaching

Eating For Your Unique Body Type

12-Weeks to Discover How Your Over 35-yr-old Body Is Designed to Nourish Itself

1:1 Private Coaching

Limited Spots Available Each Month

Click the program link to schedule your FREE Health Diagnostic Session with Abbey

Smart Grocery Tours

Are you overwhelmed by the endless choices at the grocery store?

Do you want to make healthier choices but don't know where to start?

Our Smart Shopping Tours are designed to help you navigate the aisles with confidence and knowledge.

Schedule your Smart Grocery Tour

Eat, Move and Live for Your Metabolism by Nourishing Your Mind, Body and Soul.

Why My Clients Love Their Transformations?

"This program has me feeling physically and mentally better than I can ever remember.

My comfort zone was someplace no one should live in. I'm so grateful to this program for showing me the door(s) out of it.

Thank you so much Abbey."


62, Busy Grandmother & caregiver to energetic littles

  • lost over 10 lbs
  • trimmed 10 inches off her body
  • stopped taking 2 blood pressure medications
  • STOPPED stress eating

"12 weeks ago, I was at an all time low. I took an intense look at my life. Not only was I letting myself down, I was letting my kids and husband down.

Abbey, LITERALLY changed my life.

I went into this yes, wanting and need to lose weight....but what I have gotten was way more than I ever imagined.

Confidence, Comfort, Love.

Finally for the first time in my life. I am comfortable confident and in love with me.

I cannot thank Abbey enough for pushing me, holding me accountable and helping me finally live my BEST life!!"


Full time Nurse and busy Mom of 2

  • Lost over 40 lbs
  • Trimmed over 25 inches
  • Re-connected with her husband and marriage
  • Feel in love with herself

"Thank you for all you've helped me with!

You definitely have a great program that gives us a way to change so much in our lives.

I feel I have the tools to continue on.

I've seen in others how my changes can reflect onto them.

I'm ready to be my OWN best person.

Abbey, thank you for the time you took with me in this new journey!!!😊"


59, Full time Night shift Nurse and primary caregiver to her mom

  • Lost 10.5 inches
  • Lost 12 lbs
  • Improved sleep and energy
  • No longer feels out of control or victim to stress & anxiety.

Why Coaching?

Making sustainable lifestyle changes can be difficult.

Lack of support, lack of knowledge and lack of motivation can derail you ever time.

Eating For Your Unique Body Type goes beyond providing support and accountability. It provides you with the knowledge to fully understand how you were designed to eat, lose weight, feel and transform.

Understanding is the key to ALWAYS being motivated to make lifestyle changes that become sustainable..... and eventually habitual.

If you've tried every diet out there only to have temporary success then coaching maybe the missing link for you.

Olympic athletes, baseball teams and CEOs of major companies all have coaches.

Coaches bring knowledge, support and a level of accountability that many women are lacking in private life.

Find someone whom you connect with. Someone you can trust to not only guide you but to give you that tough love when necessary.

WHY COACHING? Because your health matters.

Schedule a time to learn more about health coaching and how it can impact your life.

Chat with Abbey

What My Clients Are Saying

"My life has grown in many areas since taking the class. 

Besides the diet, exercise, mental outlook changed for the better, losing weight, I became happy within. 

With that happiness, things started to change for the better allowing my business to grow and become a better person all together."


Single Mom and High Achieving Solo Entrepreneur

  • Lost 13 pounds
  • Trimmed 10 inches from her body (3.5 off her waist)
  • Felt mental clarity for the first time in years, resulting in business growth
  • Belly bloat and discomfort eliminated with proper management of celiac symptoms.

"I started this journey with a frantic desire for my summer body and I'm ending it with a deep awareness that the shape, weight and tone of my body is secondary to the way I treat myself and the energy it allows me to utilize.

All the pieces of this program allowed for a rejuvenation of discipline which was key for me!

I'm 15 lbs down and my spirit is up! 🔥♥️ "


48, busy entrepreneur and mom

  • Lost 15 pounds
  • Increased Strength and Stamina
  • Developed healthy relationship with food and her body
  • Found joy in life again

"I feel armed now with the right tools and habits!"

I've lost over 15 lbs and 11 inches, bloating is gone and I feel better in my body.

Thank you so much! It's been an incredible journey and I've learned so much!

Thank you so much! I'm so thankful for you and your program!"


39, teacher, wife and Pup Mom

  • Lost over 15 pounds
  • Dropped 11 inches, 3 around her waist
  • Created a healthy balance she can always live with
  • No more bloating
  • Phantom aches & pains are gone

Let's create your plan.

Apply to the program and book a call with me to

discover what your unique body really needs to lose weight.

In this session, I will diagnose exactly what is going on with you and why you're unable to lose weight successfully and sustainably. I'll make specific recommendations to jumpstart your weight loss.

When you sign up for your session, you'll be asked to answer a couple of questions so I can prepare for our session.

I want to work with women who are COMMITTED to their health.

You don't need to be perfect.

You only need to be WILLING to TRY.

Join the growing online community at A2HealthandWellness for daily support and inspiration

<<<Schedule your FREE Health Diagnostic session with Abbey>>>

Resources to help you get started

These simple and easy to read resources are a great place to start you on your health journey

Your Handy

Portion Control Guide

A simple guide to macronutrients

Plate Perfect

Creating balanced healthy meals at home easily.

Work in progress

Stayed turned. Simple ways to detox to boost energy, mood and wellbeing.